Initially, I was sort of interested in graphics in the same way as Formists. 
It's more like every single thing in my life has a temperature such as voices, smells, lights... 
It goes back to this idea of growing up in Tehran, and being in a place where most citizens disliked it was quite apparent.
The society seemed like a bowel which gives you feel torn between the desire to create... where there was less chance to discover yourself or evolve and experience the environment. 
In 2012 I moved to Zürich, to open a new chapter of my life journey. 
When I left "Iran", there was this sense of a new adventure, but a terrifying experience, I have no idea how much time I was involved to be able to get control of all again. 
I didn't have time to hesitate or to be in secure. I only had time to be me and it's a great way to capture the quirkiness that comes. 
Remember, turning up for my portfolio review at the end of the last year of the "Art" school, when my coach said: How you get into this contrast in your work? I just turned up with myself and I said,.. you know I am my work. 
One thing I discovered is that; if something seeds in you It doesn't go anywhere, you can ignore it but it creeps up eventually because that's just a part of your DNA, It is a part of your freedom, It is a powerful operating system in a way,.. so even not doing it for years, it wasn't there like you could feel it. 
I had at that time struggling with lots of lights... where I was from and accepting that. That was my first entryway into considering or practicing the life of an artist! and I just did it when I realised that. 
For me Art is a way to practice the life, and perhaps a deal with trauma and It is something that creates connection, and it also lends itself well to creating a home base for your psyche, coming back to a neutral stance, calm place... finding a way to be balanceed to be centered. 
I have learned that failure comes from dishonesty! And if I don't have that, how do I evolve and experience the environment? 
So, discovering moments or situations is the most practical, functional and logical choice I would do... that space gives me a license to think about WHO I AM and what I do!